Week 27
Week 28 (and a sneak-peak at our Christmas tree
I had been doing so well with posting during each week of our pregnancy until last week. I kept reminding myself to do it but somehow the week just got away from me...I'm blaming Thanksgiving, work, and exhaustion for that one :)
Anyways, here we are officially in the third trimester in our twenty-eight week. That means just 12 short weeks left. Dave's convinced she'll come early but I'm still thinking she'll be within a few days of her due date (February 20). The third trimester is starting to feel a lot like the first - more about that later.
How Far Along: 28 Weeks
Pregnancy Symptoms: The nausea has returned although it is much more manageable than the first trimester. At this point, I can control the nausea with food which means I am eating all day and all night. Which also means that I'm back to not sleeping much. Between having to get up to pee or eat every hour or two and the uncomfortable leg and hip pains, my sleep is rather interrupted these days, leaving me feeling incredibly exhausted in the morning. Baby girl has quite a regular pattern developing and it's been consistently the past three weeks. She's sure to let me know when she's ready for more food or for me to be awake, usually waking me for good between 2 and 3am. This means I try to get to bed as early as possible so that I can get a couple hours of sleep in. If this is anything how motherhood will be, I think my body will be conditioned quite nicely.
Food Cravings: I experienced a miracle in the food department this week - cravings for raw veggies. Yes, V-E-G-G-I-E-S!!! Crunchy, raw veggies with veggie dip. I am the first to admit that I dislike most vegetables so I took this cravings and ran with it. Unfortunately, this was a rather short-lived craving. I still can't get enough cheese and milk these days, though.
Nursery Progress: We have furniture! Well, we technically purchased furniture but it's waiting at the store until next weekend when my parents can bring their handy pick-up truck to help with the transporting. I plan to do an entire post dedicated to her nursery once it's finished but for now, I'll tell you that I had to make some compromises when it came to her furniture. I had this great vision of white for her room - all the woodwork is white, there's a white chair rail around the middle, the windows are white...I planned to do white furniture and accent with pinks, orange, and green. Dave and I initially picked out our furniture when I was just 12 weeks pregnant but ended up finding it a bit cheaper at a new store that recently opened. I guess we thought we'd have more time than we actually had because it turns out baby stores don't really keep furniture in stock in all the color options, despite the fact that their display signs suggest otherwise. When we went to purchase her crib and changer/dresser combo on Sunday, we learned it would take 12 weeks for the envisioned white furniture to arrive. You do the math. I wasn't ready to gamble with the fact that our daughter may arrive without any furniture. I'm a planner and I knew I'd want her room all set and ready, clothes neatly in place. So I settled for the espresso color. I sulked for a bit and got angry with myself for not asking about what they had in stock sooner but in the end, furniture is furniture and her room will still be beautiful. And she really won't know the difference. The best part is we got an amazing deal on the furniture, spending less than we anticipated and staying within the amount that my parents so graciously gave us. Lesson learned in all of this: plan far, far ahead if you're purchasing baby furniture. It's an expensive purchase that should be well though-out in terms of safety and durability, but in the end, it's better to purchase earlier rather than later.
Pregnancy Dream of the Week: Last week I had a crazy dream that I was having coffee with Michelle Obama and her daughters in Milwaukee's Third Ward. Dave's boss was also there which to me was more weird than Michelle Obama being in the dream. I have no recollection of what we talked about or any other part of the dream but it was rather odd. I did have another dream about baby girl being born... this time I was at the hospital and my friend from high school, Kendall, was also their giving birth (although she didn't know she was pregnant). As long as these dreams don't become nightmares, I am rather content with thinking about her birth.
Best Pregnancy Moment of the Week: We had our first birthing class during the 27th week (with our final one being next Saturday). I was so incredibly anxious about these classes. I know they are meant to help ease some anxieties about giving birth but for me, it only provoked my anxieties. Thankfully, the instructor was fabulous and a friend of my mom and she really helped normalize the anxieties and fears all of us soon-to-be moms were feeling. This turned out to be one of the best parts of the pregnancy and made me even more excited for her birth. We learned all about the birthing process, what to expect, relaxation techniques, and took a tour of the birthing center. In our next class, we'll go over newborn care which I'm really looking forward to Dave learning... especially if it involves learning how to change a diaper :)
Sunday, November 28
Sunday, November 14
Weekly Pregnancy Post
How Far Along: 26 Weeks
Pregnancy Symptoms: Constipation and hemorrhoids. Dave says to leave it at that. I pride myself on being completely honest about pregnancy and well, admitting to that is about as honest as it gets. Sorry to get personal on you but I couldn't paint an accurate description of pregnancy at this point without pointing out those two lovely side effects that come along with pregnancy. There is no shame in my game here, people.
Food Cravings: Cheese. Milk. Fresh bagels. French fries. Chocolate shakes.
Nursery Progress: Dave re-painted baby girl's room this weekend and it turned out beautifully! For those who don't know, pregnant women can be very indecisive (surprise, surprise!). We originally painted her room back at the end of September. We picked out the paint on a weekend I was sick which was the first mistake - all I wanted was to get out of the paint store and into my PJ's at home. The second mistake - letting my husband finish painting the entire room before figuring out that the color was just too pink. I like to describe the original color as "Pepto-Bismal throw-up". It literally looked like the stuff exploded on the walls. Well, after that I decided to pick out a few samples and paint them on the walls for a good month just to be sure I was making the right decision this time. I am completely satisfied with the new color and am looking forward to moving forward in the decorating process.
Pregnancy Dream of the Week: I'm adding this category because I have been having the most vivid dreams while pregnant. In fact, for the past few months, I've died in my sleep every single night. I suppose someone could tell me some meaning behind this but I think I'd rather not know. Usually I wake up after each dream and there tend to be several each night. Last night, I dreamt that our baby was born. She arrived 13 weeks early (just a week from today), she weighed about two pounds, and she had the loudest set of lungs I've ever heard. She was completely healthy and we took her home just a couple of weeks after she was born. It was so vivid - I remember that the birth was painless (clearly a dream) and that I held her for hours just staring in awe of how tiny she was. I'm praying this is one dream that doesn't come true because I'm certain she's not quite ready to come out yet.
My "Crazy Pregnant Woman" Moment of the Week: I'm adding this category for Dave because he will tell you that pregnancy makes women crazy. Or maybe just me. Either way, I tend to have at least one crazy pregnant woman moment a week and yesterday was no exception. While attempting to make dinner last night, I managed to knock over an entire large-sized can of tomato soup as I was reaching for a spoon to stir the ground turkey browning on the stove top. No big deal, right? Maybe to a non-hormonal pregnant woman. I lost it. The tomato soup ran all over the counter, onto my clean white stove, in the little crack between the counter and the stove top, all over my utensil holder...it was a tomato mess in my kitchen. I began grabbing paper towels as the meat started to burn a little and the tears began to well in my eyes. Then they began to flow. And then I began to yell at the soup. And the meat. And the hubby. And then I cried a good cry and declared we weren't eating dinner that night. I Went to our bedroom and had a good two minute, two-year-old tantrum before emerging. I headed back to the kitchen where the hubby had already cleaned up the soup mess and calmed the burning meat. Yes, only a pregnant woman would go crazy over spilled tomato soup.
Best Pregnancy Moment of the Week: Shopping for adorable baby girl clothes. I've been doing good at not splurging every time I head to the store. This week, I had planned to meet up with my good friend (and grad school roommate) Kelsey for lunch and shopping at the outlet mall in Johnson Creek. I'd say it was a successful shopping trip because I came home with lots of new outfits for baby girl (and a few maternity things for me). And not only that, but I got to spend quality time with "Aunt Kelsey" as she'll be known to baby girl - she went to all the baby stores with me, picked out the cutest outfits, and reminded me why we've been friends since the fifth grade. Thank you Kelsey for a fabulous day! I can't wait to dress baby girl in the cute clothes you helped pick out :)
Wednesday, November 10
Weekly Pregnancy Post
Twenty-five weeks. That sounds like so many to me. Especially when I think about how that means we only have 15 weeks left, maybe even less (hopefully not more). Eeeks. We've got lots to do before baby girl's arrival.
I've had so many random pregnancy-related thoughts on my mind these days so I'm dedicating this week's post to getting them out on (cyber) paper.
My first random thought: people don't really want to hear about your pregnancy. I take this one with a grain of salt. I know that there are people who are genuinely interested in the fact that we're about to become parents but I'm learning that I must tread lightly when it comes to this topic. I realize that while pregnancy consumes nearly every aspect of my daily life these days, I do need to function as a regular adult to the outside world. I tend to only discuss my pregnancy when asked, especially by co-workers or friends and at that, I always feel like I need to be aware of cues as to when enough is enough and it's time to move onto the next topic. This week I've been especially thankful to talk with two close friends who really did show an interest in the fact that we're about to become parents and they let me dwell on this for a while in our conversations (thank you Kate and Kelly!). This brings me to another related thought: it would be nice to have friends who are pregnant at the same time as me. I struggle with being at the age that I'm at because so many of my friends are in such different places in their lives. I have just a few who are married, one with a young daughter, a few in serious relationships, and many more who as single as can be. If you would've asked me in high school what life would look like mid-twenties, I would've guessed we'd all be married and having our first babies. At the same time, of course. Sometimes I wish I had girlfriends I could call who remembered what it was like to be pregnant, who could tell me what to expect as a new mom, and provide me with that sense of sisterhood that I see so many moms sharing with one another.
Random thought numero dos: nobody can adequately prepare you for pregnancy or motherhood. Especially not that What to Expect When Expecting book (the worst pregnancy book out there in my opinion). There are so many changes happening to me physically and emotionally that weren't in those little books or emails I've been reading. And nobody could really prepare me for the pure exhaustion I am feeling at this point. I was telling a friend tonight how I really do feel like a 90 year old woman these days - I could nap all day and my joints ache like they've been put to good use all those years. And motherhood, well that's one I'm still trying to figure out. I've been having so many vivid dreams about our daughter and even our other future children (we always have three girls and one boy, surprisingly). I pray they don't grow as fast as parents always say they do because my dreams already have our oldest daughter getting married and well, I'm thinking I'll already have a hard enough time watching her grow from newborn to infant to toddler.
Thought number three: pregnant women aren't really all that nice to one another. I thought that when you became pregnant you joined this elite little group of women who could talk cravings, nausea, and babies all day long. My experiences lately are telling me that I was quite wrong on this one. Some pregnant women give what feels like the evil eye, or even worse, a complete stare-down. I am completely weirded out when people stare at my stomach as if trying to decipher if I'm just packing on a few pounds or not, but pregnant women stare in a way that makes me feel like I'm being judged - from the size of my belly to the clothes that cover it. Enough said on this one.
Oh how so many more random thoughts come to mind while just writing this, which is quite ironic considering I can't remember anything that I want or need to when I must. I think pregnancy brain is actually quite legitimate and I intend to continue to use it as my excuse for my forgetfulness for as long as I can :)
Onto week twenty-six...
I've had so many random pregnancy-related thoughts on my mind these days so I'm dedicating this week's post to getting them out on (cyber) paper.
My first random thought: people don't really want to hear about your pregnancy. I take this one with a grain of salt. I know that there are people who are genuinely interested in the fact that we're about to become parents but I'm learning that I must tread lightly when it comes to this topic. I realize that while pregnancy consumes nearly every aspect of my daily life these days, I do need to function as a regular adult to the outside world. I tend to only discuss my pregnancy when asked, especially by co-workers or friends and at that, I always feel like I need to be aware of cues as to when enough is enough and it's time to move onto the next topic. This week I've been especially thankful to talk with two close friends who really did show an interest in the fact that we're about to become parents and they let me dwell on this for a while in our conversations (thank you Kate and Kelly!). This brings me to another related thought: it would be nice to have friends who are pregnant at the same time as me. I struggle with being at the age that I'm at because so many of my friends are in such different places in their lives. I have just a few who are married, one with a young daughter, a few in serious relationships, and many more who as single as can be. If you would've asked me in high school what life would look like mid-twenties, I would've guessed we'd all be married and having our first babies. At the same time, of course. Sometimes I wish I had girlfriends I could call who remembered what it was like to be pregnant, who could tell me what to expect as a new mom, and provide me with that sense of sisterhood that I see so many moms sharing with one another.
Random thought numero dos: nobody can adequately prepare you for pregnancy or motherhood. Especially not that What to Expect When Expecting book (the worst pregnancy book out there in my opinion). There are so many changes happening to me physically and emotionally that weren't in those little books or emails I've been reading. And nobody could really prepare me for the pure exhaustion I am feeling at this point. I was telling a friend tonight how I really do feel like a 90 year old woman these days - I could nap all day and my joints ache like they've been put to good use all those years. And motherhood, well that's one I'm still trying to figure out. I've been having so many vivid dreams about our daughter and even our other future children (we always have three girls and one boy, surprisingly). I pray they don't grow as fast as parents always say they do because my dreams already have our oldest daughter getting married and well, I'm thinking I'll already have a hard enough time watching her grow from newborn to infant to toddler.
Thought number three: pregnant women aren't really all that nice to one another. I thought that when you became pregnant you joined this elite little group of women who could talk cravings, nausea, and babies all day long. My experiences lately are telling me that I was quite wrong on this one. Some pregnant women give what feels like the evil eye, or even worse, a complete stare-down. I am completely weirded out when people stare at my stomach as if trying to decipher if I'm just packing on a few pounds or not, but pregnant women stare in a way that makes me feel like I'm being judged - from the size of my belly to the clothes that cover it. Enough said on this one.
Oh how so many more random thoughts come to mind while just writing this, which is quite ironic considering I can't remember anything that I want or need to when I must. I think pregnancy brain is actually quite legitimate and I intend to continue to use it as my excuse for my forgetfulness for as long as I can :)
Onto week twenty-six...
Saturday, November 6
Why the Rush?
Am I the only person who finds it absolutely crazy that stores are already in full Christmas mode? Not only that, but I'm starting to hear Christmas music on the radio and I'm already being asked for my Christmas list. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season isn't just upon us - it appears that it has already arrived, and in full-swing. This absolutely disgusts me. I feel like Christmas comes earlier and earlier each year and nothing drives me more crazy than those people who get all their Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving has even come and gone. Why the rush? Since when did we just skip over the importance of Thanksgiving? Since when did Christmas become all about gifts and finding the best sales with the best coupons?
Maybe I haven't noticed this as much in the past but this year I am especially struggling with the way that society changes the true meaning of Christmas. I hate that I'm asked to tell people what I want so that they can go purchase those exact items. What happened to finding that perfect gift for someone? A gift that is thought-felt and truly special? I can tell you, it isn't nearly as much fun to take a list to the store - a list with exact sizes, colors, and brands already spelled out for me. And to be quite honest, it isn't as much fun to know everything you're going to be getting for Christmas. Sometimes I want to throw up my hands and say, "time out!!" Why must we buy gifts anyways? Why can't we spend time together... share a home-cooked meal... spend a few minutes reflecting on the true, real meaning of Christmas?
I look forward to how much holidays will change when our daughter is here. I don't want Christmas or birthdays or any other holiday to be about gifts - in fact, I don't want her to grow up equating special events like the holidays with presents. I want her to understand the significance of these days and why we celebrate them in the first place. I hope when our daughter thinks of Christmas she thinks of Jesus before Santa. I hope she thinks of baking cookies with her grandma instead of what gift she'll get to open on Christmas eve. I hope she opens her mouth to sing Christmas carols rather than spew out her Christmas list. Oh how the holidays will change with a little one around! I look foward to starting new traditions, celebrating as a family of three, and really reflecting on what holidays are meant for: family, fellowship, and food.
I'm praying the world and people around me will slow down a little. Let's focus on the turkey, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie and what we're thankful for first before getting caught up in society's overplayed hustle and bustle of the holiday season.
Maybe I haven't noticed this as much in the past but this year I am especially struggling with the way that society changes the true meaning of Christmas. I hate that I'm asked to tell people what I want so that they can go purchase those exact items. What happened to finding that perfect gift for someone? A gift that is thought-felt and truly special? I can tell you, it isn't nearly as much fun to take a list to the store - a list with exact sizes, colors, and brands already spelled out for me. And to be quite honest, it isn't as much fun to know everything you're going to be getting for Christmas. Sometimes I want to throw up my hands and say, "time out!!" Why must we buy gifts anyways? Why can't we spend time together... share a home-cooked meal... spend a few minutes reflecting on the true, real meaning of Christmas?
I look forward to how much holidays will change when our daughter is here. I don't want Christmas or birthdays or any other holiday to be about gifts - in fact, I don't want her to grow up equating special events like the holidays with presents. I want her to understand the significance of these days and why we celebrate them in the first place. I hope when our daughter thinks of Christmas she thinks of Jesus before Santa. I hope she thinks of baking cookies with her grandma instead of what gift she'll get to open on Christmas eve. I hope she opens her mouth to sing Christmas carols rather than spew out her Christmas list. Oh how the holidays will change with a little one around! I look foward to starting new traditions, celebrating as a family of three, and really reflecting on what holidays are meant for: family, fellowship, and food.
I'm praying the world and people around me will slow down a little. Let's focus on the turkey, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie and what we're thankful for first before getting caught up in society's overplayed hustle and bustle of the holiday season.
Thursday, November 4
Remembering the GOD in Godparents
While chatting with some fellow co-workers today we came upon the subject of religion and then eventually that of Godparents and the role of baptism. While I understand religion is a very personal thing for most, I usually enjoy sharing my faith journey with others and hearing about what God has done in their lives. Today, I suddenly found myself in a very uncomfortable position as I was caught in a conversation with those who didn't have a relationship with God. Sitting among people who openly reject God in their lives is never easy or comfortable for me. But when our conversation turned to the role of Godparents, I found my comfort level dropping even further.
During our conversation, one person suggested that being a Godparent has nothing to do with religion or faith. In fact, she pointed out that she fulfills the role of Godmother and also happens to be an atheist. Another suggested that a Godparent is simply someone who you want to take care of your kids if something happens to you. One person shared how she was never baptized and another suggested that baptism is simply a product of the days when babies were baptized for the sake of avoiding death by the plague. As a Christian, my views on both of these subjects are quite different. In fact, these are two things that Dave and I have been discussing recently in preparation of our daughter's birth.
To us, Godparents are more than just people who we want to take care of our child if something happens to us. In fact, we see the role as quite different than that. God-forbid something were to happen to both Dave and I, the people we have chosen to be Godparents to our daughter will not be the same people who assume legal guardianship of her. Rather, we have chosen two people to be Godparents because to us, this role does in fact have everything to do with faith and religion. We want to keep the "God" part of the role at the forefront. I've had this discussion with others before and Dave and I talked about it extensively as well. Would we pick our siblings or cousins to be Godparents simply because they are family? I know many people do this but for us, we really had to look beyond that. We knew we wanted to choose people who would serve as strong examples of what it means to live a Christian life. By this, we don't mean people who simply attend church regularly or profess God as their Father. We looked at our own lives and the values we want to instill in our daughter and wanted the people we chose as Godparents to reflect those values as well. To us, these people were those who truly lived as Christian men and women on a daily basis. They are people who have encouraged us in our faith journeys and who we know will teach our daughter strong Christian values. These will be people our daughter can turn to when she may be struggling with matters of faith throughout her life. They will provide her with guidance and love in the same way that Dave and I will. The people we have chosen to fulfill this special role have shared in the joyous, special occasions in our lives. They have watched us grow and have continued to support us as Christian husband and wife. That is what a Godparent means to us. I cannot imagine simply selecting someone to fulfill this very special role in our daughter's life simply because we like them or because they share our blood.
I know people will begin to ask who we've chosen as baby's Godparents but at this time we're not able to say. We haven't actually asked either person just yet. When we do, we hope that they'll consider what we're asking of them and truly accept that role as we intend and pray that it will be in our daughter's life. I simply wanted to share my thoughts on this topic while it was on my mind today.
I'm curious what other new parents feel about the role of Godparents in their children's' lives. What do others feel the role of Godparents should be and how have they selected the people that will fulfill these roles?
During our conversation, one person suggested that being a Godparent has nothing to do with religion or faith. In fact, she pointed out that she fulfills the role of Godmother and also happens to be an atheist. Another suggested that a Godparent is simply someone who you want to take care of your kids if something happens to you. One person shared how she was never baptized and another suggested that baptism is simply a product of the days when babies were baptized for the sake of avoiding death by the plague. As a Christian, my views on both of these subjects are quite different. In fact, these are two things that Dave and I have been discussing recently in preparation of our daughter's birth.
To us, Godparents are more than just people who we want to take care of our child if something happens to us. In fact, we see the role as quite different than that. God-forbid something were to happen to both Dave and I, the people we have chosen to be Godparents to our daughter will not be the same people who assume legal guardianship of her. Rather, we have chosen two people to be Godparents because to us, this role does in fact have everything to do with faith and religion. We want to keep the "God" part of the role at the forefront. I've had this discussion with others before and Dave and I talked about it extensively as well. Would we pick our siblings or cousins to be Godparents simply because they are family? I know many people do this but for us, we really had to look beyond that. We knew we wanted to choose people who would serve as strong examples of what it means to live a Christian life. By this, we don't mean people who simply attend church regularly or profess God as their Father. We looked at our own lives and the values we want to instill in our daughter and wanted the people we chose as Godparents to reflect those values as well. To us, these people were those who truly lived as Christian men and women on a daily basis. They are people who have encouraged us in our faith journeys and who we know will teach our daughter strong Christian values. These will be people our daughter can turn to when she may be struggling with matters of faith throughout her life. They will provide her with guidance and love in the same way that Dave and I will. The people we have chosen to fulfill this special role have shared in the joyous, special occasions in our lives. They have watched us grow and have continued to support us as Christian husband and wife. That is what a Godparent means to us. I cannot imagine simply selecting someone to fulfill this very special role in our daughter's life simply because we like them or because they share our blood.
I know people will begin to ask who we've chosen as baby's Godparents but at this time we're not able to say. We haven't actually asked either person just yet. When we do, we hope that they'll consider what we're asking of them and truly accept that role as we intend and pray that it will be in our daughter's life. I simply wanted to share my thoughts on this topic while it was on my mind today.
I'm curious what other new parents feel about the role of Godparents in their children's' lives. What do others feel the role of Godparents should be and how have they selected the people that will fulfill these roles?
Tuesday, November 2
Weekly Pregnancy Post
If my lack of blogging and delay in writing this weekly pregnancy post aren't enough of an idication on how pregnancy is treating me these days, then let me be frank with you - the energy is majorly lacking. And by majorly lacking I mean basically nonexistent. Between work and keeping up with the cleaning and other household responsibilities, I don't have much energy at the end of the night to do much more than head the gym and then perch myself on the couch until I fall asleep at a nice early hour. There are so many more things I intend to blog about each week but putting up my feet and taking a nap always sounds like much better option than heading to the computer. So I apologize for the boringness that this blog has become. For those still following our pregnancy journey, I hope these weekly posts are satisfying your curiosity for now.
How Far Along: 24 Weeks
Pregnancy Symptoms: Exhaustion. Round ligament pains in the belly (yes, it's growing slowly but surely). Continuous leg and hip pain - we discussed this with my doctor at tonight's visit and she said unfortunately, there isn't much that can help with this. She suggested getting more potassium in foods such as tomatoes but I would much rather suffer some leg pain that eat a tomato. She said that as long as I continue to eat bananas, get enough calcium, and stretch when exercising, I should be able to minimize the pain. Her other suggestion was to delivery the baby but she was quick to point out that really isn't an option at this point... thanks Doc.
Food Cravings: Cheese. The craving is officially back, mostly in the form of string cheese, cheese and crackers, and cheese-flavored crackers. This week I really craved ham so I made a delicious turkey ham that satisfied the craving for three whole days. I continue to bribe baby girl to move with a little piece of chocolate each day and it never fails... and it always makes me a happy lady as well.
What I Miss Most: Sleeping through the night. Early in the pregnancy I had insomnia and wasn't sleeping well. For the past 10 weeks or so, I've finally gotten back on a pretty good sleeping schedule. I had been falling asleep early and staying asleep most of the night except for a trip or two the the bathroom (thanks to growing baby situated on the bladder). Now baby girl is developing a more regular schedule of movement which is contributing to my lack of sleep. She always wakes me at 3am and 6am to remind me that she's hungry and that she's wide awake. I usually spend the remainder of the night tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position that doesn't aggravate the hip and leg pain. Thank goodness for body pillows - they are a pregnancy lifesaver. Unfortunately, our bed isn't big enough for the four of us (yes, I consider the body pillow a person given the amount of space it takes up). When Dave was away on business last week, I slept so much better, probably because I got the whole bed to myself to spread out in. He may just have to start sleeping on the couch soon don't you all think?? :)
Maternity Clothes: I'm managing with what I've got. And thanks to my mom, I've got a few more sweaters to keep me warm. She let me dig in her closet for some longer sweaters that tie or zip that fit perfectly over a maternity shirt when left open. I suppose it's a good thing that the belly is growing slowly because I can still wear a few of my non-pregnancy sweaters from last year - I'm hoping to get by with this for a few more weeks yet.
Best Pregnancy Moment of the Week: Registering for baby. This is a daunting task but it makes the pregnancy seem even more real and helped us narrow down our Christmas lists since our families are already asking (it's wayyyy too soon for us to think about Christmas but we know we'd rather have things for baby than ourselves this year). Dave says the best part this week was our 24 week appointment where we got to hear baby's heartbeat again. We're always amazed at how strong and clear her heartbeat is - it's a miracle to hear her tiny heart beating inside of me and it never ceases to amaze us.
How Far Along: 24 Weeks
Pregnancy Symptoms: Exhaustion. Round ligament pains in the belly (yes, it's growing slowly but surely). Continuous leg and hip pain - we discussed this with my doctor at tonight's visit and she said unfortunately, there isn't much that can help with this. She suggested getting more potassium in foods such as tomatoes but I would much rather suffer some leg pain that eat a tomato. She said that as long as I continue to eat bananas, get enough calcium, and stretch when exercising, I should be able to minimize the pain. Her other suggestion was to delivery the baby but she was quick to point out that really isn't an option at this point... thanks Doc.
Food Cravings: Cheese. The craving is officially back, mostly in the form of string cheese, cheese and crackers, and cheese-flavored crackers. This week I really craved ham so I made a delicious turkey ham that satisfied the craving for three whole days. I continue to bribe baby girl to move with a little piece of chocolate each day and it never fails... and it always makes me a happy lady as well.
What I Miss Most: Sleeping through the night. Early in the pregnancy I had insomnia and wasn't sleeping well. For the past 10 weeks or so, I've finally gotten back on a pretty good sleeping schedule. I had been falling asleep early and staying asleep most of the night except for a trip or two the the bathroom (thanks to growing baby situated on the bladder). Now baby girl is developing a more regular schedule of movement which is contributing to my lack of sleep. She always wakes me at 3am and 6am to remind me that she's hungry and that she's wide awake. I usually spend the remainder of the night tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position that doesn't aggravate the hip and leg pain. Thank goodness for body pillows - they are a pregnancy lifesaver. Unfortunately, our bed isn't big enough for the four of us (yes, I consider the body pillow a person given the amount of space it takes up). When Dave was away on business last week, I slept so much better, probably because I got the whole bed to myself to spread out in. He may just have to start sleeping on the couch soon don't you all think?? :)
Maternity Clothes: I'm managing with what I've got. And thanks to my mom, I've got a few more sweaters to keep me warm. She let me dig in her closet for some longer sweaters that tie or zip that fit perfectly over a maternity shirt when left open. I suppose it's a good thing that the belly is growing slowly because I can still wear a few of my non-pregnancy sweaters from last year - I'm hoping to get by with this for a few more weeks yet.
Best Pregnancy Moment of the Week: Registering for baby. This is a daunting task but it makes the pregnancy seem even more real and helped us narrow down our Christmas lists since our families are already asking (it's wayyyy too soon for us to think about Christmas but we know we'd rather have things for baby than ourselves this year). Dave says the best part this week was our 24 week appointment where we got to hear baby's heartbeat again. We're always amazed at how strong and clear her heartbeat is - it's a miracle to hear her tiny heart beating inside of me and it never ceases to amaze us.
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