Friday, November 6

It's Official...

... I've joined the blogging world! For the past several months, I have developed a new hobby of reading other people's blogs. I've mostly been following blogs of friends who are traveling abroad, friends moving away, or friends getting married. More recently, I've begun to click on links to other people's blogs - people I don't know. I'll read blogs about families doing mission work in Africa or families adopting from around the world. I'll read blogs about people doing medical missions or people doing ministry work in developing countries. I realized there are blogs for just about anything i'm interested in. The blogging world is actually quite fun (I can see Dave rolling his eyes as he reads that statement).

I had wanted to start a blog a while back to keep everyone up to date about our wedding planning. Dave thought it silly. He didn't want strangers reading our blog. He didn't think we'd have family or friends who would be interested in that. Well, now that we're married our life is certainly more interesting... right? We certainly have more to write about now...right? Well, maybe not. But I realize that as my friends continue to move further away, as my family spreads out across the country and even abroad, blogging is a great way to keep everyone filled in on our adventures as newlyweds.

So, whether Dave likes it or not, we're blogging. And by we, I mean, I'M blogging. We hope you'll enjoy following our new adventure as husband and wife :)

1 comment:

  1. YAY! Glad you did it, even if Dave isn't...sorry Dave.

    Already added you to my side bar too :)
