Sunday, September 26

Weekly Pregnancy Post

Here you have it. Your first glimpse of the itsy bitsy baby bump. I'm not sure if I've really popped yet but my belly certainly has grown in the past two weeks. I still feel as though I'm in the awkward stage where I don't quite look pregnant but I certainly look like I've put on some weight in the mid-section. You be the judge.

We're almost half-way through the pregnancy! Tomorrow we have our big ultrasound appointment where hopefully we'll find out the baby's gender. We're so excited to see our baby again and to see how much it has grown in the past seven weeks.

How Far Along: 19 Weeks

Pregnancy Symptoms: It appears the nausea is back to stay - at least for a while. This week was especially rough. The nausea can't seem to be appeased and just sort of lingers all day, being most intense in the morning and late evenings. I think it's mostly just irritating, especially now that I'm back to work. Speaking of work, I'm noticing my body is incredibly sore now that I'm sitting most of the day. I've had other pregnant ladies tell me this only gets worse from here and that it's common but it's just uncomfortable. My tailbone, hips, and upper legs are always sore which makes sleeping comfortably an impossible task. Luckily the charlie-horse leg cramps are less frequent these days thanks to Safi and her advice of a banana a day (thank you thank you thank you - it works!!!). The hubby and my mom would tell you that I was especially moody and emotional this week... chalk it up to hormones and not feeling well. If you see my hubby, ask him about the little gray hair I found on his head today - he'll first deny it even exists and then he'll blame it on my pregnancy hormones. Welcome to pregnancy Dave :)

Food Cravings: Pizza and bread. I think I've eaten more pizza this week than I'd like to admit. I'm sure that the whole no weight gain thing is falling by the wayside... I'm guessing I've gained at least 2-4 pounds in the last three weeks or so thanks to the mass amounts of carbs I've consumed.

What I Miss: Being able to sleep on my back. It's ironic that the most comfortable position I find during pregnancy is lying on my back yet it's the one position I'm told isn't good for the baby (something about cutting off its blood supply).

Maternity Clothes: I'm having a love-hate relationship with my closet these days. The maternity pants are just a tad too big no matter how many times I attempt to shrink them in the dryer and my pre-pregnancy pants were all too tight in the belly so they're packed away. My pre-pregnancy tops still fit for the most part but when they're all baggy I feel like I just look fat. I've found a few cute maternity tops that'll look cute as the belly grows. Until then, whatever matches and fits makes the cut!

Best Pregnancy Moments of the Week: Being able to talk with other expectant moms. I wish all my friends could experience pregnancy at the same time as me - it would certainly make the experience easier and much more fun. While at a wedding last night, Dave and I sat with some of his friends from college at what we deemed the "pregnant table". Three of the four girls were expecting and it was so refreshing to talk babies and pregnancy and compare notes. It also nice to not be the only one not drinking, sitting uncomfortably, frequenting the ladies room often, and indulging in two pieces of wedding cake :) Another favorite moment of the week, chopping my hair. Everyone told me not to cut my hair while pregnant - that I'd regret it. Something about pregnant women not making sound decisions. Let me tell you, when your hair is growing like a week, nothing feels better than a fresh haircut. Short hair is much easier to straighten and cuts the getting ready time in half. I'm loving it. You'll just have to excuse my weekend laziness in the belly picture - I didn't feel like straightening the hair today and I'm well aware I look kinda like a mop top.

Lance and Rachel's wedding this weekend

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