Friday, May 17

27 Weeks

Twenty-seven weeks (well, actually, I'm just about 28 weeks now). Has it really been six weeks already since my last update? I wish I could go back and tell my pregnant-with-Sophia-self to enjoy all of that free time that I had to post about my pregnancy, take pictures of my growing belly, and prepare for a baby. Things are so much different the second time around! I've been busy chasing my "I'm too big for naps, I'm going to play outside all day" toddler that I sometimes forget that I'm pregnant! I've really been enjoying my time with Sophia, though, as busy she keeps me these days. I am soaking up every single minute I have with her as my one and only before I find myself trying to split my time between an energetic, attention-seeking toddler and a very needy newborn.
Belly picture on Mother's Day at 27 weeks

She didn't want to be included in this week's picture...all she cared about was a piggy back ride (since baby brother was already taking the front seat)

How Far Along: 27 weeks. Less than 13 weeks to go at this point! That sounded like so much time until I realized how much I have left to do. We'll have another ultrasound around 30-32 weeks to see if the partial placenta previa has cleared on it's own, making it safe for me to deliver. If not, my doctor will go ahead and schedule a c-section for me. She was pretty confident that things would separate as they should and I should be able to move forward with delivery the way I see fit. I'm also praying that baby boy decides to stay in until at least his due date. With Sophia I was so anxious to get her out but this time around, I like the idea of being induced again. From a planning perspective, it would make things easier and I honestly felt so relaxed about it all last time around. Plus if I'm induced, my doctor will do it on the day she works from the hospital so I'll have a greater chance of her being able to deliver the baby (she was so calm and wonderful with Sophia's deliver!). Again, someone remind me of my desire to stay pregnant until 40 weeks when I'm uncomfortably huge and hot in August.

Pregnancy Symptoms: I'm comfortable mostly these days, although I will remind Dave at least 100 times a day that I'm really not. I can't get comfortable when I'm sitting or lying down and my feet are usually pretty tired at the end of the day from chasing Sophia from sun-up to sun-down. I'm having awful middle and upper back pain, probably from all of the bending, lifting, and carrying that comes along with having a toddler. Thankfully, the heating pad helps a little and I get a little break when Dave walks in at the end of the day. I've developed nasty acid reflux which I think it contributing to my eating issues. Overall, I can't complain much at this point. I know that I'm in for a lot of discomfort when the weather finally stays warm. These 60 and 70 degree days have been ideal for a pregnant lady, that's for sure. Thank you Mother Nature!

Food Cravings: I'm having a difficult time with food right now, as in I really have no desire to eat most days. Kind of ironic considering I'm always hungry! Nothing sounds appetizing to me (especially chicken!). It's mostly food aversions based on textures and smells at this point.  I have cut out a lot of dairy because it was making my stomach feel just awful. Turns out Almond Milk is actually quite delicious. I have, however, been craving Chobani greek yogurt and sea salt flavored Kettle Chips.

Moves & Grooves: Baby boy used to be so calm and quiet in my belly. He really only moved at night when I was finally able to rest. In the past two weeks, his movements have really picked up. He spends most of the day kicking and punching the inside of my belly. We know he's a long baby so I think he's just running out of room in there. It's been fun feeling the movements again...I forgot what a wonderful feeling it truly is!

Best Pregnancy Moment of the Week: Celebrating Mother's Day while expecting. That first Mother's Day after my very first miscarriage was so difficult. I didn't know it at that time but I was actually just a few weeks pregnant with Sophia when Mother's Day came around. Since then, Mother's Day has taken on a whole new meaning because of the losses we've experienced. I found myself thinking more this year about those women yearning to be moms, struggling with getting pregnant, or dealing with the loss of a baby or child. I feel so blessed to have Sophia but celebrating as a mommy-to-be-of-two was even sweeter this year!

Preparing for Baby: It dawned on me the other day that this last trimester is going to go so's about time I get cracking at decorating his room and purchasing some non-pink baby gear! Baby's bedding was finally ordered this week and my design-expert friend came over to help me think over the bare walls and what we could do to add a little life and color to the empty grey walls. It's also about time we schedule a tour of the hospital where we are delivering this time. Since a new hospital opened just around the corner from our house, my doctor has since lost her privileges to practice where we had Sophia. I've heard wonderful things about this new hospital's birthing unit...who doesn't love giant whirlpool tubs?

Preparing Sophia: People have started asking how Sophia feels about having a baby brother. At this point, she's beyond excited. She wakes up every morning asking for baby brother to come out and play. She wants to put him in his car seat and give him a bath. She loves taking out all of the baby toys and telling me how she's going to share her toys with him (yea, we'll see about that one!). She likes to tickle my belly and say "tickle tickle baby brother". She snuggles my belly and tells baby brother to go to sleep. She loves going into his room and telling me where he's going to sleep. I think she gets that there really is a baby brother coming (she tells me "three more months" a lot these days) but I'm still nervous about how she'll react when he's here. She calls him "my baby" and has stopped referring to him as "Hector" and sometimes calls him by the name we've chosen. She'll be such a great big sister but I want to make this summer as special as possible for her since she'll never get to be the only child again!

And now we enter the third trimester....

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