Wednesday, February 24

Wiggin' Out

Most people know that God blessed me with curly, blonde hair. At least I'm always told that it's a blessing... I beg to differ on that one. That is likely why every six weeks I dye it a lovely shade of dark brown and why every morning I spend a good half hour making it straight with one of the best inventions ever - the flat iron. Well, this morning I got a little lazy. I decided to spend some extra time sleeping instead of getting ready. I scrunched a little gel in the hair, threw it up in a pony tail, tucked a few bobby pins in and was out the door!

Since I started my job last April, my hair has gone through a few minor changes - it was grown out quite long for my wedding in August and then cut quite short immediately after. Now it's getting long again and since finding out I was pregnant I hadn't dyed it so I've got a nice inch of blonde (or as you'll read later, gray) roots showing. Thankfully I'll be fixing that issue on Friday. Anyways, since nobody at work has ever seen my hair anything but straight and dark, people have been commenting on how much they love it curly and how cute it is. I keep saying, "Seriously? This is my 'I don't want to do my hair' look".

Why am I sharing this random story about what my hair looked like today? Because I've got hair on my mind! I had the sweetest 80-something year old woman come to my office this morning looking for a wig. Chemo had gotten the best of her and she was feeling rather down about not having any hair. After some time sharing her life story with me (and by some time I mean nearly an hour) she started to try on some wigs. Here I thought she'd prefer something in a nice shade of gray, shorter, maybe with some curls. Oh no! This grandma (actually, great-grandma to 5 kids) wanted something "sassy" - her words, not mine. With much deliberation and after trying on nearly ever wig I had, she settled on a long, blonde wig with some pretty auburn highlights. She decided she also needed the hat off the mannequin because it would go perfect with her "Sunday clothes". As if seeing an 80-something year old woman with the long blonde hair of a 20 year old wasn't enough for one day, as she was leaving she leaned in real close to me and said, "Well honey, looks like you've got more grays than me now (pointing at my roots). I bet you wish you had hair this good!" Oh lady, I certainly do!

Lesson for the day: it doesn't matter if you wear your hair as God gave it to you or if you dye it, straighten it, cut it... an 80 year old can still look better than you!

Here's proof of the blonde curls God so graciously gave me... I'm the one in the pigtails on the left!


  1. That's a pretty hilarious story!

    And I dye my hair dark brown too! Well it was brown for about a year before Gray and I got engaged then my Dad said he would only pay a wedding if my hair was blonde so I went back to blonde and now it is back brown again! Not too many people out there that dye their hair brown when it is normally blonde :)

  2. OMG! I can't belive your dad actually convinced you to dye your hair for your wedding. My dad tried and tried... telling me he can't give his little girl away without her blonde hair! Luckily he still wrote the check even with my brown hair! I'm considering going to a light brown/dark blonde for a while - it'll be so much easier to handle when I am pregnant (someday!) since I won't be able to dye for 9 whole months!!
