Monday, April 12

Bitten by a Bug

The hubby and I are on a roll with the home projects. We've been bitten by the homeowner bug and I kinda like it! No, our half bathroom remodel is not picture-ready yet... I just ordered a few things from Pottery Barn to complete the decorating and I can't seem to find a mirror that I like. BUT we did do a makeover to our full bathroom this weekend. In one whole day! We finally repainted and added a few new accessories. Again, waiting on a few things from the PB order to get here but I promise pictures soon. We also decided that we needed to start the landscaping re-do this year and that successfully began on Saturday. Dave decided to start tearing down this terribly overgrown, dead, ugly bush next to our patio (we've been calling the thing "The Green Monster" since we moved in). Its only purpose was to prevent our neighbors from seeing most of our patio but we decided since our neighbors are in their late 80's they likely can't see far out their window anyway (great logic, right?). And once all the other trees bloom this spring and summer, we'll have privacy once again! I'll be spending next weekend planting with mom to add a little color and life to the landscaping in the front, sides, and back of the house. We found a great deal at Home Depot on some mulch and our patio is piled high with bags waiting to be laid once the planting is finished. We plan to add a path from the driveway around the side of the house to the patio but we need to find some cool big stones first. It's always a never-ending list when you're a homeowner! It feels good to be tackling all these projects we've neglected for the past 10 months :)

I'm off to Minneapolis for the rest of the week for work. Dave's a little sad that I'll be gone... we haven't spent more than a day apart since we got married and we both prefer it that way. I'm not all that fond of Minnesota to begin with and spending three days with my boss will be like pulling all my teeth out BUT the weather forecast calls for temperatures near 80 degrees and Ikea isn't far from the hotel so I suppose I'll manage ;)

1 comment:

  1. Have you heard of We already built the bed and have a huge list of more projects. So simple and so fun!!!
    P.S. So glad we met you!!!
