Tuesday, April 13

A New Fear

Today I developed a new fear. Flying. I have always loved to fly - loved that an airplane could take my anywhere in the world. I have also always loved airports for the same reason. Today, those things changed.

I was all set to fly out early this morning to Minnesota for a few days of work meetings. What was supposed to be a short wait at the airport and a 50 minute flight turned into almost 5 hours of waiting at the airport and an hour and fifteen minute flight. First it was some weather delays. Then it was mechanical. The plane needed a new tire and when they took off the old tire they discovered it also needed new brakes (how they came to that conclusion I have no clue). So when I was supposed to be landing in Minnesota, the plane that I was waiting to board hadn't even left Minnesota. Lovely. Not only would I miss my first two meetings but I would be quite cranky after sitting next to business men yapping away on their blackberries all morning about fancy business stuff I didn't understand. The flight itself started rather smooth until we hit a little patch of weather. Bumpy. Bumpier. Rocking and shaking. Up and down. Screaming three month old baby in the seat next to me. The mom holding a barf bag for her own sake. Goodness. I couldn't have been happier to touch the ground.

So, as much as I love how airports and airplanes allow me to travel to all ends of the world, I certainly will be nervous when I board my plane home on Thursday night. Everyone always asks me how I managed the long flights to Africa and I always say that it was certainly long but that it was certainly worth it. Let's hope when the time comes to board a plane back to the continent I miss so much, these flying fears will have subsided.

I'm not sure what's worse... the flying, spending three days with my boss, or being trapped in the dreadful state of Minnesota (sorry, I tried to like it when I lived here but I still can't see the positives). I'm SO looking forward to being back home with the hubby on Thursday night :)

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