Tuesday, April 27

I'm a Real Workin' Adult

Today marks my one-year anniversary with the American Cancer Society. I can't believe how fast the last year has gone. Last April, I was finishing up my internship at the children's hospital in Madison, preparing to graduate with my master's degree, in the final planning stages of the wedding, on the verge of purchasing our first house, and starting my first real-world job. When I say that I grew up in a matter of three months I am not kidding. I was forced to trade the luxurious student life (yes, after a year of full-time employment I can honestly say being a student is a piece of cake) for a good ole' 9-5 job (or in my case, 8-4:30 job).

While I've certainly complained about my job a time or two (or three or four) in the past year, I can honestly say that it is has been a great learning opportunity for me and it has really helped me to grow in my career. When I started my master's degree in Social Work I thought that I wanted to be a medical social work and work in pediatrics. While I certainly could still see myself in pediatrics, I certainly cannot see myself as a medical social worker. And my job with ACS has helped me to realize that. I am learning that my Social Work degree gives me so much flexibility and I can only imagine where the next few years will take me.

For the past year I have had the privilege of working with newly diagnosed cancer patients to help make their cancer experience a little easier. In the beginning, I thought I was armed with all the knowledge and experience to tackle this not-so-small task. Not a day goes by that I don't learn something new, mostly from my patients. Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for my health and say a prayer for my patients. In the past year I've learned that I will never have all the knowledge or experience to help someone cope with a terrible diagnosis like cancer. Rather, what I do have is compassion and an ability to work with some of the most emotionally vulnerable people walking this earth and for that God-given gift I am incredibly thankful.

Here's to celebrating one year helping to create a world with more birthdays :)

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