Sophia has had so many "firsts" in the past few weeks that it's about time I start documenting before these little moments escape my memory. I realize some of these "firsts" are completely insignificant in the every day sense but to a mommy, they are all so very exciting. It's funny how what's important suddenly changes when you become a mommy :)
First Time Out to Eat
Sophia's Godmother, Kelsey, came into town the day before her baptism to spend some extra time with us. We met up with my parents who always enjoy a visit with Kelsey as much as we do for dinner at the Milwaukee Ale House in Grafton. While at dinner I realized that was Sophia's first time out at a restaurant! It was pretty uneventful as she slept through most of it. Thankfully Kelsey snagged a photo on her phone since this mommy didn't have a camera on her. Since then I've made our small digital camera a diaper bag staple so that we don't miss any special moments in the future.
First Roadtrip 
Last weekend we headed to Kentucky to celebrate our friends Danielle and Jeremy's wedding. While we quickly learned that traveling with a baby is a lot of work (and requires a lot of stuff!!), Sophia did very well on the six and a half hour drive and we enjoyed our whirlwind of a weekend in Louisville. I wish I had taken more pictures while we explored downtown and at the wedding but I was a wee bit busy tending to a six week old on my own (Dave was busy doing wedding party stuff most of the weekend). Thankfully we got a family picture at the reception while we were all still dressed up!
First Smiles

Sophia has been smiling more and more over the past few weeks. It's absolutely beautiful. I especially love the middle of the night smiles that make those sleepless nights worth it. It's not always easy to catch the smiles on camera yet but I've managed to get a few out of her.
First time rolling over I kid you not, at seven and a half weeks old, Sophia rolled from her belly to her back today (twice!) for the very first time. You can bet after she did it the first time I ran to get the video camera. I can't seem to get the video to upload so you'll have to trust me on this one. This was just another reminder of how fast she's growing up!
First Walk in the Stroller I kick myself for not getting a picture of her all bundled up in her stroller for her first walk. It was a rather quick impromptu walk when Dave came home from work a few weeks ago. Wisconsin has graced us with a few spring-like days in the past couple of weeks and we've taken advantage of them. Sophia and I have since enjoyed a few walks on our own. I should actually call them workout sessions because pushing a jogging stroller with an infant carrier attached does wonders for the upper body and legs. I'm determined to walk off the last few pounds of baby weight I have left to lose.
First Skype Session with Aunt Katie Okay, so this one might only be significant to Sophia's Aunt Katie in Peru but we finally broke in our computer camera and enjoyed a mini skype session. It was Katie's first time seeing Sophia other than in pictures. I must say, Skype is a fabulous tool and I wish I had discovered its usefulness sooner. While it was nice to see Katie "in person" through the computer we're looking forward to seeing her actually in person in just a few weeks when she comes back to the States for a visit and to meet Sophia. (We should've taken a picture of this Katie!)