Friday, June 1

Catching Up With Pictures

It's much more fun to catch up on a month worth of blogging through pictures so here's a look at what the month of May had to offer the Irish family!
Sophia's learning how to use utensils. Here's a look at her progress...

We've been spending lots of time at the park, swinging and grandma & grandpa's house, and playing in the back yard...


Sophia's been loving on her pup-pup and baby....

And playing with the old play kitchen set....

Lunching at Alterra on Milwaukee's lakefront...

I celebrated a wonderful 2nd Mother's Day at the Zoo followed by dinner with my own wonderful mom (and dad, grandma, and grandpa, too!)...

We took Sophia to Discovery World for the first time and she loved seeing all the fish. We also took a stroll along the lakefront, stopped at the Art Museum, and checked out the cool sculpture outside of Betty Brinn...

And we ended May with a little Memorial Day celebration in Grafton. Sophia slept through the very short parade...

And a little backyard swimming in the turtle sandbox to end the holiday weekend...