Wednesday, September 25


Seven weeks later and I'm here to announce that we've welcomed a sweet baby boy into our family!

 Grayson Charles was born on Tuesday, August 6th after an early induction, failed epidural, and two pushes! He has a full head of a dark hair and beautiful dark eyes. He started out as a calm baby but the tides have quickly turned. He nurses like I'm a 24/7 all-you-can-eat buffet, is being treated for reflux, and has decided that he'll only sleep if he's strapped to my body in the Ergo or Moby. But it's all good because this stage will soon pass and so will his sweet newborn-ness. In fact, in just seven weeks he's grown from a tiny, scrawny little 7 pound baby to a chubby-cheeked 12.5 pound lug. Still cute as can be though!

We're still settling into life as a family of four. Sophia loves her baby brother is gives him hugs and kisses often. She calls him "bubba" and "little buddy" and tells him that she loves him about a hundred times a day. Don't let that sweetness fool you, she does ask for me to "put him away" sometimes and she clearly misses her mommy-Sophia time. I completely took for granted the simplicity of life with just one child.

I hope to find some time soon to catch up on all of the details of Grayson's life thus far, but for now, I'm busy doing life with my two littles!