It's as if we blinked and all of a sudden Sophia was four months old. Every day our baby girl grows just a little bit bigger and she reminds us that her days as a baby are numbered. Sophia wants so badly to be a big girl these days. She's spent the past few weeks mastering some new skills and reaching some important milestones. I feel so thankful to be working part-time now so that I can spend some time at home with her...she changes every day and I can't stand the thought of missing out on watching her grow.
Sophia still has those big ole' cheeks that are absolutely perfect for kissing. At her four month check-up yesterday she topped the growth charts weighing in at 16 pounds, 13.5 ounces. Yep, my baby girl sure loves to eat! But no worries, she also topped the height chart measuring nearly 26 inches in length. Our pediatrician is confident that her baby rolls will start to disappear when she's up and walking and she'll end up being tall and skinny like her daddy. And while she's certainly a daddy's girl, Sophia is starting to take on her mommy's looks. She has beautiful big blue eyes and her hair has gotten so light. She's finally starting to grow more hair and it gets curly after she takes a bath. I think we're going to have a blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty on our hands!
Sophia is not only growing nicely but her developmental skills are right on track. Sophia is now rolling over in both directions. She'd been rolling from her belly to back since about 8 weeks old and for the past two weeks has been rolling from her back to her front. Now she's just a rolling machine! We can't leave her alone for even a few seconds on her playmat anymore because she'll roll herself right on over, again and again. Not only is she rolling but she's scootin' too! Yesterday I walked away for just a few minutes to get a bottle ready and I came back to find her halfway across the living room floor, still in scootin' action. Poor girl's gonna get rug burn real bad until she learns how to crawl. Our pediatrician said she wouldn't be surprised if she's up and crawling by the time we come in for her six month check-up. My mom reminds me that I also liked to do everything early, too. Our pediatrician also confirmed that Sophia is teething. We can feel one tooth just under the surface on her bottom gums but there's no telling when it'll finally break through. Sophia's been drooling buckets for almost a month now and everything goes into her mouth - her hands, Sophia the giraffe, teething rings, bibs, mamma's name it, she'll chomp on it. Sophia's one big smiling machine these days and she even giggles, too! She loves sitting up like a big girl in her Bumbo and is even starting to sit up on her own for a few seconds. She loves reading books and going for walks. She finds it especially funny when mommy huffs and puffs as I push her up the big hills in the neighborhood. She really is just a happy baby!
Sitting pretty in the Bumbo
Testing the new highchair
Rolling Machine
We celebrated a few "firsts" in the past month, too. Sophia visited the zoo for my company's employee picnic, we celebrated Dave's first father's day, and she had her first taste of rice cereal and oatmeal. She also got to spend some time with her Godmother, Kelsey, who came in from Madison for a little Strawberry Fest action. Kelsey also happens to love to take pictures so we captured a few updated family shots. Sophia and I have been spending a lot of quality time together on my days off and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I always knew that she'd grow up fast but I certainly didn't think it would be this fast!
First Zoo Trip
Father's Day
Rice cereal!
First Cedarburg Festival