We had a light dusting of snow on Monday morning so I bundled Sophia up in her snowsuit and we headed outside to experience the wonder of those tiny white flakes. The snow lasted just long enough to snap some pictures of Sophia "playing". She would laugh when the snowflakes hit her in the face and she even tried to catch a few on her tongue. Just wait baby girl...you've got a long winter full of snow ahead you!
Saturday, December 10
Monday, November 21
We're Still Here!
Picture from Kaila and Ryan's Wedding November 12, 2011

It's been three months since I've managed to crank out a blog post but I thought I'd pop in and tell ya'll that we're still here and doing well. We've just been incredibly busy and seriously lacking sleep. I'm planning on moving our blog to make it private in the coming weeks so that I can start fresh with blogging in the new year. Somehow I'm hoping that the new year will equate to more sleep and more free time - wishful thinking, perhaps? I hope not. None the less, we're doing well and Sophia is about to celebrate her nine month birthday! She's on the move and into EVERYTHING! I promise updates soon. Until then, have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy the holiday season :)
It's been three months since I've managed to crank out a blog post but I thought I'd pop in and tell ya'll that we're still here and doing well. We've just been incredibly busy and seriously lacking sleep. I'm planning on moving our blog to make it private in the coming weeks so that I can start fresh with blogging in the new year. Somehow I'm hoping that the new year will equate to more sleep and more free time - wishful thinking, perhaps? I hope not. None the less, we're doing well and Sophia is about to celebrate her nine month birthday! She's on the move and into EVERYTHING! I promise updates soon. Until then, have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy the holiday season :)
Tuesday, August 23
Six Months
Before our church picnic with daddy on Sunday
It's hard to believe that half of a year has already passed with Sophia Grace in our lives. Today marks Sophia's sixth month birthday and oh my goodness has she grown and changed in the past six months! Every day I'm reminded of how blessed I am to be her mother and each day I continue to be in awe of the joy she has brought to our lives.
Sophia has developed such a strong, fun personality. She loves to laugh and has the sweetest little giggle. Tickle her toes or play silly games with her and she'll roar and roar. She gives so many smiles now and it's so much easier to catch them on camera. She can be quite the little ham sometimes. She loves all the attention she gets when we're out in the public - if she could have it her way she'd ride around in the shopping cart all day entertaining everyone with her giggles and smiles.
Sophia has two cute little teeth right in the middle of her bottom gums and she's working on a few more, including her top center teeth. She's a big bucket of drool all the time and has taken a fancy in eating her bibs. Everything goes in the mouth. I mean everything! She loves to eat and if her food doesn't come fast enough she'll gnaw on her high chair tray or buckle. She looks like a little bird when she eats - her tongue is always sticking out, waiting for the next bite. We can't shovel the food in fast enough sometimes. Sophia LOVES veggies...in fact, she loves her veggies so much that it's been a battle to get her to eat fruits. I've been making all of Sophia's baby food and I'm really enjoying it AND I love that I know exactly what's in it. Sophia especially loves carrots, sweet potatoes, zucchini, butternut squash, and green beans. The only vegetable she's not overly thrilled about is peas and I can't say that I blame her. We're working on getting Sophia to eat more fruits...she'll eat pears, melon, and blueberries if mixed with her multigrain cereal or oatmeal. Sophia really dislikes apples unless they're mixed with apricots - who would've thought! I'm looking forward to introducing her to dairy and meats in the coming weeks. It'll be nice to give her more options and it will be fun to explore more recipes to make for her.
Sophia is so close to crawling and it makes this mamma a little nervous! In the past few days she's started pushing up on all fours and rocking. She'll crawl backwards but fall on her belly when she tries to move forward. She scoots on her belly across the room in a matter of seconds. She sits up on her own like a pro now. She could play for hours with her Taggies ball and she'll often laugh to herself when playing. Her little feet finally touch the ground when she's in her jumper and she's starting to get the hang of how it works. She's continually exploring the world around her and it's so much fun to watch her learn. Sometimes I swear you can see the little wheels spinning in her brain - she's taking everything in! I've started signing to her in hopes that in a few months she'll start signing back. So far we sign "more", "eat", and "all done". We're working on talking - I'm working on "mamma" while Dave's trying for "dada". I'm thinking her first word will be something completely random we aren't even sure we've said around her.
This is certainly my favorite age so far. In fact, I'm pretty sure I could do without the newborn stage again. I like that Sophia is interactive now and that she smiles and laughs. I am so thankful for the time that I have home with Sophia now. I'd hate to miss all of the little precious moments of her life because she's growing up so fast!
It's hard to believe that half of a year has already passed with Sophia Grace in our lives. Today marks Sophia's sixth month birthday and oh my goodness has she grown and changed in the past six months! Every day I'm reminded of how blessed I am to be her mother and each day I continue to be in awe of the joy she has brought to our lives.
Sophia has developed such a strong, fun personality. She loves to laugh and has the sweetest little giggle. Tickle her toes or play silly games with her and she'll roar and roar. She gives so many smiles now and it's so much easier to catch them on camera. She can be quite the little ham sometimes. She loves all the attention she gets when we're out in the public - if she could have it her way she'd ride around in the shopping cart all day entertaining everyone with her giggles and smiles.
Sophia has two cute little teeth right in the middle of her bottom gums and she's working on a few more, including her top center teeth. She's a big bucket of drool all the time and has taken a fancy in eating her bibs. Everything goes in the mouth. I mean everything! She loves to eat and if her food doesn't come fast enough she'll gnaw on her high chair tray or buckle. She looks like a little bird when she eats - her tongue is always sticking out, waiting for the next bite. We can't shovel the food in fast enough sometimes. Sophia LOVES veggies...in fact, she loves her veggies so much that it's been a battle to get her to eat fruits. I've been making all of Sophia's baby food and I'm really enjoying it AND I love that I know exactly what's in it. Sophia especially loves carrots, sweet potatoes, zucchini, butternut squash, and green beans. The only vegetable she's not overly thrilled about is peas and I can't say that I blame her. We're working on getting Sophia to eat more fruits...she'll eat pears, melon, and blueberries if mixed with her multigrain cereal or oatmeal. Sophia really dislikes apples unless they're mixed with apricots - who would've thought! I'm looking forward to introducing her to dairy and meats in the coming weeks. It'll be nice to give her more options and it will be fun to explore more recipes to make for her.
Sophia is so close to crawling and it makes this mamma a little nervous! In the past few days she's started pushing up on all fours and rocking. She'll crawl backwards but fall on her belly when she tries to move forward. She scoots on her belly across the room in a matter of seconds. She sits up on her own like a pro now. She could play for hours with her Taggies ball and she'll often laugh to herself when playing. Her little feet finally touch the ground when she's in her jumper and she's starting to get the hang of how it works. She's continually exploring the world around her and it's so much fun to watch her learn. Sometimes I swear you can see the little wheels spinning in her brain - she's taking everything in! I've started signing to her in hopes that in a few months she'll start signing back. So far we sign "more", "eat", and "all done". We're working on talking - I'm working on "mamma" while Dave's trying for "dada". I'm thinking her first word will be something completely random we aren't even sure we've said around her.
This is certainly my favorite age so far. In fact, I'm pretty sure I could do without the newborn stage again. I like that Sophia is interactive now and that she smiles and laughs. I am so thankful for the time that I have home with Sophia now. I'd hate to miss all of the little precious moments of her life because she's growing up so fast!
Wednesday, August 3
That pretty much sums up my attitude towards blogging lately. I promised myself when Sophia was born that I was going to keep blogging for the simple fact I don't want to forget anything about Sophia's baby days. I've started so many posts over the past month to document so many special things - Sophia's first trip to Door County, her first visit to the pool, her first tooth and sitting up on her own, turning five months old - the list goes on. Somehow they don't get finished. I think I'm feeling rather un-inspired on the writing front...perhaps I'm just suffering from one long stint of writer's block. Either way, I apologize for the silence and I'm sure I'll pull myself out of this blogging funk soon. Until then, I'll leave you with some new pictures of a certain little cutie :)

Thursday, July 7
Independence Day Celebrations
We celebrated Sophia's first Fourth of July with a fun and busy weekend full of activities!
We kicked off our celebrations with a family get-together at my parents' house on Saturday. Sophia enjoyed spending some extra time with grandma, grandpa, and the rest of the gang. When the sun went down we headed to see the fireworks. Sophia fell asleep right before the big show started and slept through all the action. It still amazes me how the littlest noises at home can startle her yet she sleeps through the continuous boom of a fireworks display.

Sunday we enjoyed some family time at home - we went to church, took a long walk, and tested out Sophia's new fishy pool in the backyard. After realizing our air pump didn't fit the pool, Dave resorted to blowing it up the old fashioned way, leaving Sophia and I hanging in our pool wear far too long for Sophia's liking. By the time we got around to swimming she was ready for a bottle and nap and wasn't too interested in swimming.

We celebrated the Fourth with the Cedarburg parade followed by some food and music at City Park. Sophia was so tired from all the waiting around for the parade to start, she fell asleep right as the action was beginning. Of course she slept through all the loud noises again - the firetrucks, marching bands, gun salutes, and screaming children running around us collecting all the candy. She finally woke up towards the end and loved watching all the action, especially those smelly horses that left their business on the road right in front of us.

I look forward to next year's Fourth of July celebrations when Sophia will be running around and enjoying the parade, fireworks, and everything red, white, and blue!
We kicked off our celebrations with a family get-together at my parents' house on Saturday. Sophia enjoyed spending some extra time with grandma, grandpa, and the rest of the gang. When the sun went down we headed to see the fireworks. Sophia fell asleep right before the big show started and slept through all the action. It still amazes me how the littlest noises at home can startle her yet she sleeps through the continuous boom of a fireworks display.
Sunday we enjoyed some family time at home - we went to church, took a long walk, and tested out Sophia's new fishy pool in the backyard. After realizing our air pump didn't fit the pool, Dave resorted to blowing it up the old fashioned way, leaving Sophia and I hanging in our pool wear far too long for Sophia's liking. By the time we got around to swimming she was ready for a bottle and nap and wasn't too interested in swimming.
We celebrated the Fourth with the Cedarburg parade followed by some food and music at City Park. Sophia was so tired from all the waiting around for the parade to start, she fell asleep right as the action was beginning. Of course she slept through all the loud noises again - the firetrucks, marching bands, gun salutes, and screaming children running around us collecting all the candy. She finally woke up towards the end and loved watching all the action, especially those smelly horses that left their business on the road right in front of us.

I look forward to next year's Fourth of July celebrations when Sophia will be running around and enjoying the parade, fireworks, and everything red, white, and blue!
Tuesday, June 28
Four Months
It's as if we blinked and all of a sudden Sophia was four months old. Every day our baby girl grows just a little bit bigger and she reminds us that her days as a baby are numbered. Sophia wants so badly to be a big girl these days. She's spent the past few weeks mastering some new skills and reaching some important milestones. I feel so thankful to be working part-time now so that I can spend some time at home with her...she changes every day and I can't stand the thought of missing out on watching her grow.
Sophia still has those big ole' cheeks that are absolutely perfect for kissing. At her four month check-up yesterday she topped the growth charts weighing in at 16 pounds, 13.5 ounces. Yep, my baby girl sure loves to eat! But no worries, she also topped the height chart measuring nearly 26 inches in length. Our pediatrician is confident that her baby rolls will start to disappear when she's up and walking and she'll end up being tall and skinny like her daddy. And while she's certainly a daddy's girl, Sophia is starting to take on her mommy's looks. She has beautiful big blue eyes and her hair has gotten so light. She's finally starting to grow more hair and it gets curly after she takes a bath. I think we're going to have a blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty on our hands!
Sophia is not only growing nicely but her developmental skills are right on track. Sophia is now rolling over in both directions. She'd been rolling from her belly to back since about 8 weeks old and for the past two weeks has been rolling from her back to her front. Now she's just a rolling machine! We can't leave her alone for even a few seconds on her playmat anymore because she'll roll herself right on over, again and again. Not only is she rolling but she's scootin' too! Yesterday I walked away for just a few minutes to get a bottle ready and I came back to find her halfway across the living room floor, still in scootin' action. Poor girl's gonna get rug burn real bad until she learns how to crawl. Our pediatrician said she wouldn't be surprised if she's up and crawling by the time we come in for her six month check-up. My mom reminds me that I also liked to do everything early, too. Our pediatrician also confirmed that Sophia is teething. We can feel one tooth just under the surface on her bottom gums but there's no telling when it'll finally break through. Sophia's been drooling buckets for almost a month now and everything goes into her mouth - her hands, Sophia the giraffe, teething rings, bibs, mamma's fingers...you name it, she'll chomp on it. Sophia's one big smiling machine these days and she even giggles, too! She loves sitting up like a big girl in her Bumbo and is even starting to sit up on her own for a few seconds. She loves reading books and going for walks. She finds it especially funny when mommy huffs and puffs as I push her up the big hills in the neighborhood. She really is just a happy baby!
Sitting pretty in the Bumbo
Testing the new highchair
Rolling Machine
We celebrated a few "firsts" in the past month, too. Sophia visited the zoo for my company's employee picnic, we celebrated Dave's first father's day, and she had her first taste of rice cereal and oatmeal. She also got to spend some time with her Godmother, Kelsey, who came in from Madison for a little Strawberry Fest action. Kelsey also happens to love to take pictures so we captured a few updated family shots. Sophia and I have been spending a lot of quality time together on my days off and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I always knew that she'd grow up fast but I certainly didn't think it would be this fast!
First Zoo Trip
Father's Day
Rice cereal!
First Cedarburg Festival
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