Tuesday, March 5

Sophia Turns Two

It's hard to believe that our sweet baby girl is already two! There's something exciting about having a two year old in the house. She is so much fun and is really developing quite the personality. She loves to smile and loves attention. She really loves to learn which makes this mommy very happy. Sophia knows her alphabet, can count to ten, can talk in simple sentences, knows her shapes (the child can tell me the difference between a pentagon, hexagon, and octagon!), and appears to have a photographic memory because she never, ever, forgets where she puts anything. She's incredibly nurturing - she loves taking her baby dolls on walks, feeding them, and rocking them. She is attentive to the needs of other kids and loves to share her toys. She's still incredibly strong-willed, independent, and determined but those are all characteristics that I think will prove beneficial later in life and I don't see them changing anytime soon. Sophia loves to sing and will request that you sing along to all of her favorite songs - Jingle Bells, Twinkle Little Star, Row Row Row Your Boat, and Mary Had a Little Lamb. She will dance in circles for hours if music is playing. She loves doing jigsaw puzzles, coloring, painting, and riding her bike. She loves soccer and basketball and I think she's going to be a great athlete someday. She has to pick out her own hair bows each morning but will quickly pull them out to play soccer. She's the perfect mix of sweet little girl and rough little tomboy. I don't think it's possible to love her any more than I already do but then she gives me a, "Mommy, love you" and my heart melts. She is such a joy and I look forward to watching her grow over the next year!

Since her birthday fell on a Saturday this year, we planned a full day of celebrations. We started the morning with candles atop our muffins, a Dora balloon, and some presents from mommy and daddy (puzzles, coloring books, and a basketball hoop).

After some playtime at home, we got ready and met up with Sophia very bff, Ayden, at the indoor playground for some fun. It's so much fun watching those two play together. It's even better when the daddy's are around to chase after them! After Just 4 Fun, Sophia took a nice long nap while her godmother came into town to help me get ready for her party. Have I mentioned how much I love her godmother? She is so so SO good to Sophia and loves her so much. And she's pretty good to me too because she helped with the decorations that I simply didn't have the time (or creative energy) to make.

I decided on a "You are My Sunshine" themed party for Sophia this year. What's better than adding a little bit of bright colors to the mix in the middle of a cold Wisconsin winter? One of the downsides of having a February birthday is that you're stuck inside but we had fun with this one. Sophia truly is a little ray of sunshine - her personality just shines through and she brings so much joy to us and everyone who loves her.



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