How Far Along: 23 Weeks
Pregnancy Symptoms: There are so many things about pregnancy that I wasn't aware of until recently. Like nosebleeds - I don't recall ever having one in my life until this past week when a regular old sneeze led to a nose bleed. After further research, I realized this is actually quite common during pregnancy. I also didn't realize that my feet could actually grow. I was aware of foot swelling during pregnancy but my feet have grown a good half size larger. All my shoes are too tight and I come home from work begging Dave for a foot rub - to which he usually obliges and during which I usually laugh hysterically from how much it tickles. I was told that my feet wouldn't magically shrink back that half size after I have the baby but I'm still holding out hope that maybe it's just some swelling that's making them feel longer. I love buying shoes as much as the next girl but not if my feet are going to go back to their regular size in a few months. I'm still having awful leg and hip pains that only seem to get worse each week. They are making sleep impossible and incredibly uncomfortable.
Food Cravings: Those cheese cravings are slowly finding their way back into my life. I'm careful not to over-indulge in them for fear I may end up really disliking cheese after this pregnancy and I certainly don't want to go that route. I'm still eating lots of bread and pasta and chocolate... oh chocolate! It's my new best friend. Baby loves her some chocolate and it's a sure way to get her moving. I'm good about limiting that each day as well but it's definitely a lot harder to resist while pregnant. The worst craving of the week was Pic N' Save's chocolate chip muffins from the bakery. All week I would tell Dave I wanted one but held out until Friday night's grocery shopping to indulge. Imagine my great shock and disappointment when I head to the bakery only to learn they no longer carry the ones I love and that they've been replaced by these nasty little things. Nothing is worse than a craving that cannot be satisfied. If you've ever been pregnant, you can appreciate my pain on this one :)
What I Love Most about Being Pregnant: Instead of a "what I miss" this week I thought I'd share what I love the most about being pregnant right now and that is feeling her move. In the past week alone her movements have really intensified and she's developing a more regular pattern. She wakes me up nice and early with her kicks, usually to tell me it's time to eat. I have a feeling this will be a familiar pattern come February. Dave has been enjoying feeling her kicks as well now that they are getting stronger. This week we started reading to her and playing music for her to really get her going. It is so amazing to think that those tiny movements I feel inside me are coming from my daughter.
Maternity Clothes: I hate maternity clothes. I started out appreciating their comfortability - and by that I mean no buttons and lots of elastic. As my belly is growing, I realize just how uncomfortable they can be. The butt on my pants is always saggy and shirts just still aren't long enough since I started with a long torso to begin with. And the selection is just pitiful, at least at all reasonably-priced stores like Kohls and Target. And since I cannot justifying spending $100 on a pair of pants at Gap Maternity that I'll only wear for a few short months, I have no choice but to pull on those frumpy, saggy pants. So yes, you'll likely see me in the same few outfits and I make no apologies.
Best Pregnancy Moment of the Week: Buying baby the most adorable designer clothes at 65% off. My mom's friend Amy and her daughter invited us to this fabulous designer warehouse sale in Milwaukee's Third Ward today and I am so glad we went! They had the most beautiful dresses for little girls... clothes that I would never have been able to afford or even dare to buy for a baby unless they were on sale like they were today. I wish I had taken pictures before mom hijacked them to show the ladies at her work. Mom bought her this beautiful long, wool, pink and black pea coat for next winter, when she's closer to a year old. The best part was the price - only $45 for a $250 coat! Baby girl is going to be styling. We bought lots of beautiful dresses for the upcoming year, too. It was so much fun picking out special stuff for her - stuff that's just a little bit nicer than the rest of her wardrobe. It's always nice to find unique baby clothes.