Sunday, May 16

A Little Taste of Retirement

Dave and I spent last week in Sun City West, Arizona. If you're familiar with Arizona, you know that it's home to many retirees and snow birds. Dave's grandma lives there and since his grandpa passed away last July, she's been quite lonely out there. Since Dave had last week off before starting his new job, we decided to take a last-minute vacation and spend some time keeping Grandma company. Of course the warm temperatures and constant sunshine were a welcomed retreat from Wisconsin's cold, rainy spring.

This trip served as a little taste of what retirement will (hopefully) be like someday. I learned some very valuable retirement community lessons on this trip: golf carts can be driven like cars; the noodle lane of the pool really is for noodles only; men and women water walk in separate groups (can we say Jr. High!); there is no need for sunscreen when you're already old (in fact, the more your skin looks like leather, the better); early bird dinner specials begin at 3pm; and most importantly, it's perfectly acceptable to brag about your children and grandchildren all day long to anyone who will listen. Oh, how I look forward to retirement!

I wish we drove golf carts around my city

My chauffeur

Dave and his Grandma with her "thank you" flowers

Me and the Hubby sporting a tan

Who said you can't hug a cactus?!

At the Mexican Restaurant

Enjoying some 99cent Margaritas!

Love Grandma's Pineapple Palm Tree!

1 comment:

  1. jealous!!! im so glad you guys went to see my grandma... i wish i couldve gone as well!!!
