Wednesday, March 2

Sophia Grace

Our sweet Sophia Grace arrived on Wednesday, February 23 at 2:54 pm. She weighed a nice little 7lbs 2oz and was 19.5 inches long. Of course we're a little biased but we think she's absolutely perfect and beautiful. We keep asking ourselves how we got so lucky to be her parents.

There is so much I have wanted to share over the past week about Sophia's birth and adjusting to life at home with a newborn but my time with Sophia is so precious (as is my sleep!) that I can't justify spending more than five minutes at the computer. I know many people are eagerly awaiting updates and pictures so I hope these will hold you over until life at home with Sophia gets a little more settled.

I will share that Sophia is doing well. She is almost back up to her birth weight after dealing with some jaundice. We've worked out our breastfeeding issues and she's successfully latching...she has her daddy's appetite that's for sure! She is finally settling into somewhat of a pattern and is finally letting us sleep in longer intervals - this mommy doesn't function so well on 30 minutes of sleep at time. When she's awake she is so alert - her big eyes just stare at us when we talk to her and she follows our voices so well. She's incredibly active and loves when we break her out of her swaddle so that she can use those long, tiny fingers of hers to scratch at her face or latch onto our fingers. While we're incredibly in love with our little girl I will say that the past week has certainly had it's highs and lows. Being a first time parent is incredibly overwhelming and it's something that you really can't be prepared for until it happens. But when it happens, it is truly amazing how life changes and how you just know what to do and how to do it. We feel so truly blessed to have our healthy little girl in our arms finally and we can't wait to watch her grow. Speaking of growing, she's already a week old today. The pictures don't do her justice - she's changed so much since her birth day.

We look forward to sharing more about our sweet little girl in the coming days but until then, we'll be savoring our last few days with daddy home from work and continuing to adjust to life as a family of three!

Two days old

Getting ready to leave the hospital

Cuddle time with daddy

Three days old...a little tummy time

We could watch her sleep all day

Bathtime...looks like mommy could use a shower, too!

One week old


  1. i love her!! she is so cute and snuggly! give her an extra hug from her tia in peru, please!! :)

  2. We LOVE her, too! We are so excited to be her grandparents! She is the most beautiful baby.
