Week 28 (and a sneak-peak at our Christmas tree
I had been doing so well with posting during each week of our pregnancy until last week. I kept reminding myself to do it but somehow the week just got away from me...I'm blaming Thanksgiving, work, and exhaustion for that one :)
Anyways, here we are officially in the third trimester in our twenty-eight week. That means just 12 short weeks left. Dave's convinced she'll come early but I'm still thinking she'll be within a few days of her due date (February 20). The third trimester is starting to feel a lot like the first - more about that later.
How Far Along: 28 Weeks
Pregnancy Symptoms: The nausea has returned although it is much more manageable than the first trimester. At this point, I can control the nausea with food which means I am eating all day and all night. Which also means that I'm back to not sleeping much. Between having to get up to pee or eat every hour or two and the uncomfortable leg and hip pains, my sleep is rather interrupted these days, leaving me feeling incredibly exhausted in the morning. Baby girl has quite a regular pattern developing and it's been consistently the past three weeks. She's sure to let me know when she's ready for more food or for me to be awake, usually waking me for good between 2 and 3am. This means I try to get to bed as early as possible so that I can get a couple hours of sleep in. If this is anything how motherhood will be, I think my body will be conditioned quite nicely.
Food Cravings: I experienced a miracle in the food department this week - cravings for raw veggies. Yes, V-E-G-G-I-E-S!!! Crunchy, raw veggies with veggie dip. I am the first to admit that I dislike most vegetables so I took this cravings and ran with it. Unfortunately, this was a rather short-lived craving. I still can't get enough cheese and milk these days, though.
Nursery Progress: We have furniture! Well, we technically purchased furniture but it's waiting at the store until next weekend when my parents can bring their handy pick-up truck to help with the transporting. I plan to do an entire post dedicated to her nursery once it's finished but for now, I'll tell you that I had to make some compromises when it came to her furniture. I had this great vision of white for her room - all the woodwork is white, there's a white chair rail around the middle, the windows are white...I planned to do white furniture and accent with pinks, orange, and green. Dave and I initially picked out our furniture when I was just 12 weeks pregnant but ended up finding it a bit cheaper at a new store that recently opened. I guess we thought we'd have more time than we actually had because it turns out baby stores don't really keep furniture in stock in all the color options, despite the fact that their display signs suggest otherwise. When we went to purchase her crib and changer/dresser combo on Sunday, we learned it would take 12 weeks for the envisioned white furniture to arrive. You do the math. I wasn't ready to gamble with the fact that our daughter may arrive without any furniture. I'm a planner and I knew I'd want her room all set and ready, clothes neatly in place. So I settled for the espresso color. I sulked for a bit and got angry with myself for not asking about what they had in stock sooner but in the end, furniture is furniture and her room will still be beautiful. And she really won't know the difference. The best part is we got an amazing deal on the furniture, spending less than we anticipated and staying within the amount that my parents so graciously gave us. Lesson learned in all of this: plan far, far ahead if you're purchasing baby furniture. It's an expensive purchase that should be well though-out in terms of safety and durability, but in the end, it's better to purchase earlier rather than later.
Pregnancy Dream of the Week: Last week I had a crazy dream that I was having coffee with Michelle Obama and her daughters in Milwaukee's Third Ward. Dave's boss was also there which to me was more weird than Michelle Obama being in the dream. I have no recollection of what we talked about or any other part of the dream but it was rather odd. I did have another dream about baby girl being born... this time I was at the hospital and my friend from high school, Kendall, was also their giving birth (although she didn't know she was pregnant). As long as these dreams don't become nightmares, I am rather content with thinking about her birth.
Best Pregnancy Moment of the Week: We had our first birthing class during the 27th week (with our final one being next Saturday). I was so incredibly anxious about these classes. I know they are meant to help ease some anxieties about giving birth but for me, it only provoked my anxieties. Thankfully, the instructor was fabulous and a friend of my mom and she really helped normalize the anxieties and fears all of us soon-to-be moms were feeling. This turned out to be one of the best parts of the pregnancy and made me even more excited for her birth. We learned all about the birthing process, what to expect, relaxation techniques, and took a tour of the birthing center. In our next class, we'll go over newborn care which I'm really looking forward to Dave learning... especially if it involves learning how to change a diaper :)