Forty weeks
I promise that this will be my very last pregnancy post. I know, I've been hopeful of that for weeks now but really, there is absolutely no way we will see a week 41 of this pregnancy and I am oh-so-very thankful for that! Today is baby girl's due date and Wednesday, February 23rd is induction day. It only seems fitting that we'd have another Wisconsin winter snow storm on her due date. This is officially our last weekend as a family of two. Our last weekend of freedom as so many have pointed out. Our house is peaceful, our time is ours to spend as we want. Now that we have this official end date in sight, things just feel an absolutely wonderful kind of way.
When we went to the doctor this past week, our doctor assured us that we wouldn't be needing that induction date and that she really didn't think we'd be seeing our due date. I may need to ask to see her medical school diploma. While I know it's difficult to predict just when a baby while arrive, she really was certain we would have delivered a good week and a half ago. I can't wait to see the look on her face on Tuesday when we come for our last appointment.
Dave is still holding out hope that she'll come before the induction. Me, on the other hand, I think that baby girl knows that I love when things are planned and an induction, well it doesn't get any more planned than that. While I wouldn't be opposed to her coming out on her own, now that I have it set in my head that Wednesday is the day, I'm actually finding some peace in the waiting. I know that the night before I can make sure our house is clean, our fridge is fully stocked, all the laundry is done and put away, and that all of her things are ready and waiting for when we arrive home from the hospital. I can enjoy one last peaceful night, get some last-minute sleep, and not feel rushed in the morning before heading to the hospital. There won't be any rushing around the house to throw last-minute things into my hospital bag. There won't be any wondering if the contractions are real or if my water actually broke. I like things planned and I am kind of looking forward to being in control for just a minute on Wednesday morning. It'll be nice for our family and friends to know where are so we don't have people lingering at the hospital while I'm in labor. I've made it clear on my birthing plan that no one (aside from my husband and mom of course) is allowed near my room until a good hour or two after she's born, when we're ready for visitors. And since the waiting area is cramped and labor can take quit some time, this allows everyone else eagerly awaiting her birth to rest comfortably at home until receiving a call that we're ready for visitors. Yes, I'm begining to look forward to this induction. I am, however, going on the assumption that once I'm induced labor will progress naturally, in a rather quick fashion, so that I don't end up having a c-section. I told Dave I kind of feel like my body has failed me already since baby girl has progressed so close to the point of labor and now I have to be induced. However, I think having a c-section would be the ultimate failure and letdown at this point. I'm praying things continue to go smoothly and naturally, though and if it gets to that point we'll face it then.
Thanks for following along on our pregnancy journey. We appreciate your continued prayers and well-wishes for a healthy, safe delivery and for a healthy baby girl. We look forward to sharing the joyous news of her arrival this week!